Did you know that you can borrow up to 10 titles per month on Hoopla using your library card? Hoopla offers audiobooks, movies, music, comics, ebooks, and television shows for you to stream on your computer or tablet.
Also, the library has a new Documentary Film Discussion Group! We will watch a documentary on our own time and get together (virtually) once a month to talk about what we watched. All the movies will be available to Winchester Public Library card holders to stream for free on hoopla. Our librarian, Erin, will choose the movies and facilitate the discussion.
Click here to find out December’s movie and sign up for the discussion: https://winpublib.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/virtual-documentary-film-discussion-group/
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I want to watch Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont. I could not enter HOOPLA to watch it.
Hi Elizabeth, If you are having trouble using the service, give us a call so we can troubleshoot. You can reach us at 781-721-7171 ext 318 or 320.