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United States Census 2020

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What is the Census?

The US Census creates a picture of our country. It’s a population count of every person living in the United States, required by the Constitution and done every 10 years.

Why is the Census important?

Census date determines the resources for community and defines our voice in government for the next 10 years. Your participation will help your family and community get their fair share of resources, services, and representation.

The 2020 Census date will determine the allocation of $675 billion in federal funding every year to states across the United States. For Massachusetts, more than $16 billion is affected by the census. That’s money for schools, hospitals, roads, affordable housing, childcare, senior centers, public works, and other vital investments.

Census data also determine the redistricting at all levels of government:

  • Legislative districts for city councils and school committees at the municipal level;
  • State legislative districts; and
  • Congressional districts.

Important Census Dates: 

  • March 12-10: Your household will receive a letter from the Census Bureau with a unique identification number that is tied to your home address.
  • March-April: You may receive a reminder letter, postcard, or paper questionnaire.
  • April 1: It’s officially Census Day!
  • May-June: Census takers will visit homes that have not yet responded.

What questions are on the census form?

The 2020 Census is easy. You will answer a simple questionnaire about yourself and everyone who is or will be living with you on April 1, 2020. Read more about the questions on the Census Bureau’s Questions Asked on the Form website.

Additional Resources:

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